When Claire
and I first started to work on this site, neither she nor
I knew what the Lord had in mind for us to do. We both trust
the Lord with all our hearts and mind and so we said a prayer and the
Lord started to give us the words and pictures to make each page come
alive... to bring him honor , glory and praise. In all the pages
you will find that Claire and I (Anna) are simple christian women trying
to get the gospel out to a world that we hope and believe is thirsting
for the word of the Lord. Each page we do we give thanks unto the Lord
for his mercy and love. His word is so simple that even a
child can understand it.. Did you know the Lord calls us his church, We're
not a fancy building even though buildings are called churches. We as
the children of God. (Called so because we have accepted Christ Jesus
as out savior )are the church. It is good though to keep going to the
meetings with like minded christian people "Not forsaking the assembling
of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:
and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:24; 1 Peter
2:1-2; Ephesians 4:11-12 ... these are opportunities for spiritual growth
. God uses the foolishness of preaching to confound the wise.. We
have some wonderful Holy ghost filled preachers in our church meetings today...and
even people like myself and Claire who from a sickness or other reasons,
can't get out much..we strive to bring you the word of God on our site
as it is given to us by the Holy Spirit. God uses all kinds of people
to get his word out..so never think your to sick or to old to be called
into service to the Lord. Listen to the still small voice of the Lord and
be open to anything he asks of you to do because he will use you..Just
ask him. "Lord I am welling, please tell me, what can I do for you how
can I help get the gospel out to the world?" Wow our Lord hears and
will use you!!! Claire and I use poems, stories and the living breathing
word of God in doing our pages under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The
title of this page " Mamaw's garden, full of love for Jesus" is named because
our love for the Lord is ever blooming like God's mercy is renewed each
morning so does our love bloom brighter and brighter for our Lord and Savior. Claire and I hope you find comfort in our site. We gave this site to the care and keeping of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please visit all the pages and enjoy in the Spirit. Plant yourself in Jesus and grow in the word. |
No matter how
bad it looks right now... "the worst is yet to come!" The time of trouble that has fallen on the world today is just a prelude to what is to come. The birth pains has started and are just a trickle at this very moment but.."The worst is still to come." Gods righteous anger has begin to rain upon the earth and soon it will become a mighty down-pour and then God will turn his face from the people for a time and allow total distortion of the mind to believe the lies and in so doing, not God but man will choose their end. Heaven or Hell..many will chose that path and few will choose the narrow path to heavens gate. "The worst is still to come." How many people are looking at their life's now and saying."God why me? I can't stand anymore!! but when the worst does come..right now will be as a picnic. The mind set of man has so angered the Living Lord that there will be no remedy left for man to cling to...if they do not take heed and fall to bended knees in this moment of time. "The worst is still to come." God has labored with man for thousands of years that none would be lost..("No not one.") Man says in their hearts .." There is no God, I answer to no one but me." and in so doing reap the wrath of a just God. The pity of that is.. God is loving and wants to give them one last chance to repent before allowing them to fall into the pit they have dug for themselves..and therefore, "The worst is still to come." But it will come and soon..the rain will pour down upon a lost generation..The Lord says to all," Take heed at my words it is time to choose right now whom you will serve." The worst is still to come." Has it began?" |
![]() I don't have time much time today Lord, Sorry..I have my own thing to do and Would it really be appropriate for me to stop my work or play , kneel down and pray? Why Lord everyone would be watching, that is not really the norm of today.
Yes of course Lord I love you! Didn't you die on the cross for me?
I Hang on there!!
Lord, someone needs my help.. Must think no one else
Hello Lord, it's been a long
time but i have been busy trying to make it Proverbs 29:1.... He that being
often reproved and hardenth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed
and that without remedy.
God is love and mercy. Do not abuse the grace of God
by rejecting his word Is your heart tender or has
it become hard as nails. Without Him,
I am nothing. But with Him, I can do all things through ![]()
Darkness and
light come and go. Nothing is deferent, all the same.
Death, life goes on.. whether there is plenty or nothing at all. Both orbs rise at their appointed time not to be tamed. A woman cries and a baby laughs...
mans work is never done. Dying flesh or youth are going..
across the ages from dawns early The glint is gone from the
once flashing eyes.. replaced with horror Repeat, repeat, repeat the
moans..go from rising to the setting The death bell tolls for one
in the same..rich man, poor man they've all