If you are on a dial up this page will load slow. Let it though its worth it!.. After the calling. By Claire My testimony is below you can click and read it and come back. I was doing a bible study when God called me to H.H. Even tho I was raised in a church and had learned about faith, through this bible study I was doing, I found facinating information about faith I didn't ever realize before. The book said God was faithful and he had to do everything he said he would do in his word (the bible), and the book also said he answered prayer. I asked God for a ministry as test to see if he really was "faithful" to do everything he said he would do in the bible (Like answer prayer). It was a completely generic request. For example I didn't say, Lord put me here or there! I wasn't specific about where I wanted to work for him. I just said, "please give me a ministr"y. To make a long story short, What I ended up doing was becoming a member of an organization that caters to Jewish people. Frankly speaking I had no idea if it was right or wrong or what I was supposed to do. I am a gentile and I had gone to a church all my life that taught the Bible was all about "faith" not Judism, laws, festivals and fulfillment of prophecy. I didn't know what to do. So, I just simply prayed "Lord, if Jesus is the messiah (like all these people are saying he is) prove it and tell me how to tell Jewish People this". Malka my friend at the time had been encouraging me to read the bible every day and I was trying to do it. This is the truth: During my next Bible reading session I found Jewish people in the Bible. In fact just about every person I read about was Jewish. Shocked I was! VERY SHOCKED! I kept saying, "where were these people before?" I also found that the Jewish bible is in my bible and its called the torah I read the laws and about the Jewish festivals in the old testiment and found that all of them in the Jewish Bible lead to Jesus and I found out that he is the messiah when the words in the new testiment proved it. People call this fulfilled prophecy." My friends call the new testiment "new covenant". Anyway to me there was enough evidence but I believe the Bible to be inspired scripture from God so its natural for me to believe what I read in it. If you even remotely believe this too, whether you are a jew or gentile you have a chance to call me and others who have seen this miracle a bunch of lunatics or not. You can't call me a lunatic if you don't have any evidence i am one. So, the only way to do that is to read the Jewish Bible for yourself too and compare it against the new testiment.((((yourself)))). Don't take anyones word for it. No one told me the truth and maybe, just maybe they aren't telling you either. They might rather we both didn't know about this. I suggest ask the God to open your eyes. Just like I did. And if you are mad at me because I'm a gentile saying this I don't blame you. (I know a lot of people who called themselves Christians have persecuted the Jewish people) ++> BTW They Were Not True Believers a true believer would never EVER hurt a Jewish person. then have look at these testimonies. They have had similar things happen to them. CLICK HERE ------------------ If you're reading this website and you don't know Jesus WAKE UP! This is the God who heals!!!! Take a look at our world. Time is short! God heals and loves. He is your only HOPE! Jesus is the ONLY true God! He died for you to save you from every evil thing. Only He can heal your diseases and give you eternal life. If you believe in this loving God and would like eternal life, tell him! Tell him that you believe in him, ask him to forgive your sins. Tell him you will serve him. Pray in Jesus name that your allegence is to Him and Him alone. Send Anna a note
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