Have you ever wanted to know how to become a christian or how to believe in Jesus? Would You like to find PEACE IN THIS LIFE AND THE LIFE TO COME?
Then please read this page. Finding Jesus love and real peace isn't really about accepting Our way of life nor to urge you to become
a Christian. It is all about the Lord Jesus
Christ and His way of salvation. Jesus Loves You and He wants You to EXPERIENCE HIS LOVE and acceptance of You first hand.
And to help you do that we'd like to introduce you to repentance of sin, being washed in the blood
of Christ and the way to eternal life. There is no other way but
through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus.
You have a choice
of rejecting him or inviting him to live his life through you. We
have free choice. But the bible says," The wages of sin are death; but
the gift of God is eternal is life through Jesus Christ our Lord . Rom
6;23. Do you want to take the chance of being left behind? Oh yes! He is
coming back to gather up the elect (the ones who are saved and under the
We try and live the christian life each day and yes as most humans
are not perfect, we ourselves are not perfect and sometimes fall, but the
Lord never fails to lift us up again and set our feet on solid ground.
I have entered some scripture that you may see and know how simple it is
to be a Christian and allow the Lord Jesus Christ to work through you and below this explanation there are some video's to watch. Just listen to see how very much the Father loves you. And then the instructions, just follow along.
(1)Repentance (tell God you
understand you are sinner)
Mark 1:15; And saying "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is
at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel..
(2) Confess Your Sins. (i.e. for example if you committed adultry, then admit that to God, If you lie admit that to God) Acts
2:21; And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name
of the Lord shall be saved.
(3) Regeneration
(Tell Jesus you want him as your Lord and Savior, to have full control of your life)
John 3:3-8. jesus answered and said unto him. verily, verily, i say unto
thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. ( Jesus
was speaking to Nicodemus a Pharisees who was a ruler of the jews.)
See the simplicity?
So very easy to accept Christ and be a new creature, born again and
living a blameless life. Why? Because he died for all sin..and because he
saw you and me before we were born and even to the end of our lifes..that
means all our sins that we committed before turning to him, are forgiven.
Not only does he forgive our sins but he puts them in the sea of forgetfulness,
never to remember them again. Micah 7:19: He will turn again, he will
have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast
all their sins into the depths of the sea.?
So my opinion is
that I would rather Jesus live his life through me, that I might have eternal
life then have all the riches in the world, laid at my finger tips. It's
your choice, is it time to choose? Think about before it's too late.
Play each video pray and ask the Lord to speak to your heart.
Pray the prayer and scroll for some very important websites and for a movie about what you have now in Christ And under that are some suggestions for books you can buy from precepts ministries for getting to know the Lord Better as well as some sites that offer free bibles, etc..
Is it hard for you to forgive and forget the wrongs someone else does
to you, do you find yourself going backwards and rehashing over old things?.
Pray for that person and or person's daily and soon forgiveness and
even forgetfulness will seem easy. This is the will of the Father, that
we love one another, just as we hope.. they love us. " A new commandment
I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you
also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples,
if you have love for one another " (John 13:34-35).
Loving others will show the world.. the Love of Jesus is inside us
and that we are his disciples.
Jesus loves you no matter who you are. He has come live with you in your heart. If you prayed the pray sincerely and mean't it sincerely in your heart. Read: The Story of Jesus. You Can Read it Online or Download a MP3 for your ipod or a cd/dvd. Click the banner below it will open in a new window
If You Still Have Questions, go to the message board page and Take Part in the "Seekers Forum" (just scroll down on the forum). There are people there who will answer your questionsCLICK HERE If you have accepted Jesus read on for some Bible study suggestions. *VERY IMPORTANT*. You should find a Church Home Now and Be Baptised. Also you should tell someone you have found peace with God. If you haven't accepted Jesus after doing all above READ THIS:
God wants you to be his child and trust him. No matter what happens in this life. And he wants to give you eternal life, and peace. Don't be deceived you can't earn his salvation and protection. Neither can you find it anywhere else in any other so called God. You must repent and accept him. If you prayed the prayer you have access to all that the below movie talks about. God Bless You.
Scroll down for advice on getting to
know the Lord you just met better!
Go to Christian Book Distributors search fot the title and order, or
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-Lord Teach Me to Read the Bible in 28 days for Approx 9.99 CLICK HERE
You may also want to get "Lord Give Me A Heart For You"
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I want you to Click Here On this Icon at the bottom at the next site I want you to
Read the 4 Steps and watch the Movie, after the Movie Click on THE BIG YES and fill out the form Someone will write you an email with instructions and you may write them back with questions PRAYER REQUESTS and anything you want to Talk
about regarding your new life in Christ Don't Go Away without Doing this
We believe in the infallible, God breathed inspiration of the Bible,
both the Old
and New Testaments.
We believe in the Trinity of the Godhead.
We believe in the creation of man by the direct act of God.
We believe in the fall of man and his need for redemption.
We believe in the deity, the incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord
and Savior,
Jesus Christ.
We believe in His vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind by the
shedding of
His blood on the Cross.
We believe in the resurrection of His body from the tomb.
We believe in His ascension to heaven.
We believe in His personal, imminent return.
We believe in the deity of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in justification of the believer by grace through faith.
We believe in a literal Devil, who is our adversary.
We believe in a literal heaven for the redeemed and a literal hell
for the lost.
We believe in the infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture to
be Scripture itself.
We believe in the requirement of implicit obedience to the expressed
commands of Christ as the standard by which He will judge our love
for Him.
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